DVP-MC Series Expansion Module

DVP-MC Series Expansion Module2020-10-08T07:13:55+00:00


  • Digital modules (output/input/mix): 8 ,16 , 32, 64 I/O
  • Analog modules (output/input/mix): 2 channel, 4 channel, 6 channel inputs (14-bit) / output (12-bit)
  • Load cell modules: independent dual-channel high speed high accuracy load cell module with 24 bits resolution with 2.5ms response rate
  • Temperature measurement modules: conversion time 200ms/channel, overall accuracy+/-0.6%, resolution 16bits, RTD inputs: Pt100 / Pt1000 3850 PPM/°C (DIN 43760 JIS C1604-1989) / Ni100 / Ni1000 / LG-Ni1000 / Cu100 / Cu50, thermocouple inputs: J, K, R, S, T type
  • Network modules: EtherNet, DeviceNet, PROFIBUS-DP, CANopen, RS-485, RS-422, BACnet MS/TP
  • Remote I/O communication modules: DeviceNet, PROFIBUS, EtherNet, RS-485
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