Career Planning
Talent Cultivation and Retention: Diversified training courses for improving employee professional knowledge and skills required for the future. Implemented long-term motivational plans for employees to encourage talent retention
Strategic Talent Development
Delta has actively pursued transformation in recent years and switched from an OEM manufacturer to a brand company and solution provider. To help talents obtain suitable learning and development resources in the expansion, transformation, and technological innovation process, Delta has adopted the "key talent echelon inventory", "solution business key talent cultivation", and "key courses on three major strategies" to improve related skills for Delta employees and help the Company succeed in its transformation.
Continuous Learning Development
Delta provides high levels of support and commitment for talent development. Senior managers conduct regular reviews of key talent development, support investment of resources for key talent cultivation, and commit to the promotion of sharing of global resources.
E-School System and Knowledge Sharing Platform
Delta established the online learning platform Delta Academy with global resource sharing to connect online learning resources from different regions. More than 800 courses have been provided across the world to facilitate interactions and fragmented learning.
Opportunities for Internal Rotation and Career Development
Delta encourages internal talent rotation and pays close attention to the development of professional skills for female employees. We worked with the International Labour Organization (ILO) and started the "Female Workforce STEM Training Program".