Delta Energy Online - Premium

On top of the standard features of Delta Energy Online, the advanced real-time energy control and energy saving evaluation functions help you spend money wisely to reach a win-win energy strategy and maintain a perfect balance between energy saving and business growth.

Product Introduction

Features & Benefits

Scalable Enterprise-Grade Energy Management

  • Quick view of all cross-building/region benchmarking of energy use
  • Achieve seamless organization-aligned authorization

Accurate Electricity Costs Review

The TOU (Time of Use) Electricity Cost Analysis feature can automatically convert the time/price structure into electricity consumption data to quickly check electricity costs.

Measurement & Verification for Evaluating Energy Savings

  • Utilize energy use data for baseline construction.
  • Visualized performance comparison before and after implementation of energy strategy.

Demand Management for Smart Cost Control

Load shedding based on multi-level priority for target equipment avoids over-limit demand penalties

Real-time Energy Use Monitoring and Control

  • The floor plan, equipment structure diagram, and system architecture diagram can be uploaded to create versatile on-site monitoring pages.
  • Energy management and on-site equipment monitoring can be integrated on the Delta Energy Online platform by an embedded third-party equipment monitoring web page.